I Have a Boyfriend: Cue Freak Out

New York Cliché

I have a boyfriend.

I have a boyfriend.

I have a boyfriend.

I have a boyfriend.

I have a boyfriend.

Nope, no matter how I say it, it feels weird. I don’t know how to have a boyfriend. I have been single for so long it became part of my identity. With that suddenly gone, there’s a bit of a re-evaluation of who I am. I don’t know how to be a girlfriend. These are things I never considered in my search for love.

From where I sit today, I am someone’s girlfriend. I better figure out who that girlfriend is.

She is someone who had an imagine of her future love imprinted in her head for years. “I’m waiting for the man of my dreams.” This was a truth she never spoke aloud, afraid to utter words so grossly cliché.  Like so many women, she disregarded scores of…

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